Short Films and Videos | PETER AND THE LORD

Cast and Crew
Screenplay and Direction: Luiz Bolognesi
Cinematography: Hélcio Nagamine
Production: Laís Bodanzky
Production Design: Beá Meira
Sound: Renato Calaça
Original Soundtrack: Décio Rocha
Editing: Laís Bodanzky and Luiz Bolognesi
Laboratory Technician: Pati Di Filippi
Actors Preparation: Cristine Paoli-Quito
Cast: Willian Amaral, Nando Bolognesi, João Cabeleira, Veridiana Carvalho, Cristine Paoli-Quito, Bri Fiocca, Luiz Santos Bachelli, Esther Benevides, Flávio Luís Da Silva and Gerson Steves.
Distributed by: Buriti Filmes
Duration: 15 minutes
Year – 1996
Written and directed by Luiz Bolognesi, this short film tells the adventures of two homeless men on the streets of São Paulo.
The film was inspired by old popular legends about the wandering of Jesus and Saint Peter around the world.
Luiz Bolognesi was still writing screenplays for institutional videos, when one of his friends asked: “When are you making your own authorial film?”.
That’s how Peter And The Lord was born, a free adaptation of Ítalo Calvino’s tales about the wanderings of Jesus Christ and Saint Peter, portrayed on the figure of two homeless men in the city of São Paulo.
The history ended up having good reviews, wining an edictal of São Paulo city hall for the film production. But, of course: with a little help from Jesus, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, that’s easy.